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  EIGHT MONTH OF PREGNANCY:  Its been a long road but you have a lot to look forward at the eight month of pregnancy.As eight month starts your baby  have completed all the major  developments and now is gaining the weight. At the end of this month the fetus weighs about  2,500 gm and is about 35 cm long. The lungs are fully developed and their skin becomes thicker smoother and pinker. The hair on the head of the baby is start to grow. The brain is developing more rapidly to the point where it is now able to control its body temperature. A function he will need when he is outside the womb. Some of bones start to get harden but the skull bone is still soft allowing the baby to easily pass through the birth canal. The baby is more active in this month from hiccups to stretches to kicks you may feel more movement in this month. BEST FOOD FOR THIS MONTH:   It is important to consume the food which is rich in both vitamins and minerals. Iron is responsible ...

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